Tuesday, November 21, 2006

just as fun as talking barbie

we had a really nice day at aaron's parents house over the weekend. his uncle mike and aunt beth were visiting and it was nice to see them. were were discussing andie and her parrot-like chatter lately. it's especially funny that she says "i love you" all the time, prompted or not. we all decided that it would be fun to teach her some new phrases so that she might impress people and hold her own in a conversation. i think it was beth who suggested having her say, "you look great in that" and we also liked "you look really thin". who wouldn't want to hear those things right?

here are some pictures aaron took.

and beth wrote an amazing book that i highly recommend and you can find it on her website: www.bethfinke.com
i once turned on oprah to find a show with various clips and all of a sudden beth was in the audience talking to oprah about her experience as a nude model at the U of I-fabulous! she always has good stories.


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