Friday, March 07, 2008

sickness, technology, & marriage

well, it would seem i did indeed speak a bit too soon. as a good friend had told me, days three and four post-surgery might be the most challenging. kieran is definitely more sore and is complaining about his ears hurting, though this isn't most likely the result of the tubes in there, but of the tonsil and adenoid removal. it wouldn't be as bad if he would take the pain medication, but because it hurts to swallow he really resists it.....we're hoping the weekend will be good for him. and he was glad just to have his sister off school today to have someone to play with, poor kid is so bored.

anyway, otherwise things are going okay, though i've had more than my share of technical difficulties these days. a little over a week ago my laptop when berserk and kept starting and restarting. in a nutshell i've had to reinstall all my programs and luckily seem to have retained most of my existing data and images, but like anything, i'm slowly learning about small things that are missing. one thing i know i'm going to miss big time is my bookmarks. i had hundreds if not thousands of bookmarked sites that are now a distant memory. of course the super important ones stick in my memory and i can get them back, but there are soooooooo many that i bookmarked as an occasional resource that i'm mourning the loss of now. i know, way too melodramatic but i'm feeling some sadness. i'm trying to regroup and move on, utilizing in order to avoid this next time. i'm hoping there isn't a next time but just hoping certainly doesn't seem to do the trick.

and while i'm whining about such seemingly trivial issues as losing my bookmarks, i was also quite shocked to find several e-mails that should have long ago found their way to my Inbox languishing in the near trash-like abyss of my Bulk mail folder. what??? why???? e-mails from friends, in some cases responses to e-mails i'd sent to them long ago and assumed i should take a hint from the lack of reciprocal communication. but no, there they were, one click away from being deleted without a thought. recently i was alerted by a friend that i should have received an e-mail from her and decided to wade through the 2000 spam e-mails to see if it might be there and-alleluia! there it was along with others from over a month ago that i'm in the process of responding to. i heart technology.

hmmm....what else can a whine about. i guess i'll leave it at that for now.


the other day my mom had andie over for the afternoon while i was hanging out with kieran and when she dropped her off she told me andie had been telling her that kieran " is really sick. he's really sick and he needs to get over himself."


i heard from a girlfriend yesterday that her daughter is planning to marry kieran. they're in the same class and have grown up together. apparently, the girl gets to make the decision as to who she wants to marry and the boy has no choice. it's just a matter of getting to him before the other girls to ask him first, otherwise you have to have a back-up choice. gosh, i wish real life worked that way. i would have totally called dibs on tom petty long ago.



Blogger Erika said...

That Andie! I love it!

On the topic of early arranged marriages, Aidan mentioned a week or so ago that he would probably marry Olivia, or Georgia. Good to have some options :)

10:00 AM  

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