Saturday, April 28, 2007

best laid plans

ebertfest is going on right now, it started wednesday evening and ends tomorrow. and darn this surgery in the middle of things meant that i missed out this year. last year i got to see john malkovich and in years past i've listened to bill paxton, billy crudup, and keir dulea talk about their movies in our humble little town.

this year my buddy donita and i were hoping to go see Perfume: The Story of a Murderer Thursday night and see alan rickman who was coming to talk about the movie. i love alan rickman. i have a little crush on him and so wanted to call our friend who organizes the event and ask her if i could volunteer to pick him up at the airport or transport him in my minivan from one place to another. well, this was my master plan before having surgery and barely able to walk upright for the next two days. weeks ago i tried to get tickets the day they went on sale but within hours the advance tickets sold out and my only hope was to stand in line for hours before the movie started Wednesday night to get stand-by seats. my mother even volunteered to stand in line for me but in the end i just didn't think i was up for it. drat.

but i did get tickets for aaron and i too see come early morning and listen to joey lauren adams talk about her film. aaron really liked the movie chasing amy which she starred in and i thought it would be nice for the two of us to go and i got tickets for it a few weeks ago. however, today when i got back from an outing i found aaron with the kids and very concerned about kieran who was coughing and wheezing and breathing in small shallow breaths. we didn't know what to do--we already had the tickets and the movie was going to start in an hour and no matter how little he did he was obviously having a hard time breathing. aaron insisted i should go but i had really wanted him to be able to go, which was why i got the tickets. i wondered if someone else would want them. maybe we could sell them. finally we decided we needed to get kieran to convenient care and we'd forget the movie.

just before leaving the house i grabbed the tickets and as i looked at them i realized that the movie was actually yesterday. so that solved that problem i guess. darn it all.

so kieran's okay, we've suspected he might have asthma but it was masked with croup when he was younger. they quickly got him a nebulizer treatment (and he resisted quite strongly) which improved his pulse oxygen so that was good. we are supposed to do regular nebulizer treatments and steroid medication but we weren't able to get a machine by the time we got there. the doctor very seriously told us that should it happen again they couldn't do steroid shots at convenient care and we'd need to go directly to the e.r. so we're hoping it doesn't come to that. aaron and i aren't panicky parents about illness, our kids are fairly healthy and hardly require more than their usual check-ups so today was definitely a reminder for us to be thankful of how healthy we are overall but it's good to pay attention to know when something's wrong.


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