Saturday, September 04, 2004

S-S-S-Saturday Night

Woo hoo, my first actual blog entry-yay!

Somewhere around here I'm just finishing my 13th week of pgy, not too bad. Things are going pretty well-thank goodness those icky migraines might actually be halting. A week of them I can deal with-a month or more, I don't know...I'm still pretty tired lately, and in general more queasy than I was with Kieran. In my pgy journal from Kieran I wrote that "I'm hungry all the time"--definitely not true this time around! Sometimes the thought of food makes me want to puke!

Aaron and I are going to a wedding near Chicago today, and Kieran's going on a trip to Rockford with my parents. He'll stay with them overnight, I hope he has a really good time. It's going to be really strange to be apart from him though, and he's been kinda clingy lately, so we'll see. Aaron and I might actually stay at a hotel tonight after the wedding-what a splurge! Or we'll decide to drive home later at night to avoid spending the money, who knows?


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